Saturday, September 25, 2010


Fear is a characteristic that is learned. We' re not born with it. When we're young we don't know fear. Everything is new to us. We want to explore, we want to find out how things work, and that's the beauty of being a child. Then at some point our parents plant the seed of fear in our heads. Now its not their fault, if they didn't we probably wouldn't live to the age of 5, but that seed stays with us forever. Now we learn that jumping off the couch can result in a broken arm, or pulling spike the family pitbulls tail could possibly make him bite our little arms off.

As we grow a little older we no longer need our parents to help instill fear in us. Society does the rest. We re taught through friends, television, and the media what we should be afraid of. So we go through life making new fears on a daily basis. Fear of failure, fear of not being accepted, fear of the unknown, fear of different races, fear of being alone, fear of change, these are just a few of the thousands of different fears that are prevalent in the world that we live in.

What a lot of us don't understand is fear can be a great tool for us. Fear can help motivate us to get that paper done in time, to work extra hours in the batting cage so we can make the high school baseball team, to go to work early and leave late so we can get a project done. Fear is what made me work so hard at getting better in basketball. I was scared that I would never be able to go to college if I didn't get a scholarship. I knew my mom didn't have enough money to pay for it, so every day and every night I trained that was one of the motivating forces in my workout.

"To conquer fear you have to look it in the eye from time to time"

Ask yourself what would you do if you were not afraid? How would your life be different? Would you of taken more chances? Would you of actually tried to talk to that girl or guy you had a crush on in high school? Would it of been you that took the game winning shot?

Use fear to your advantage. Don't let it stop you from going after you want in life. Fear can be hehelpful if you allow it to.

Never question whether or not you can overcome your fears, question why you haven't already..

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