Saturday, September 11, 2010


Out of all the steps that we take in our lives, the first one is usually the most difficult. Every new journey that we embark on can't start without that initial step, so what happens if we never take it? How many times have you said to yourself "If I could only start this routine I know I could keep it going", or "I would love to have this job but is still haven't sent my resume in yet". They're a million different scenarios we could probably think of where if we could only take that first step, we could accomplish a goal or task that we' ve been wanting to do.

Then why don't we? Is it laziness, fear, lack of self confidence, maybe all of the above? Which one of these reasons relate to you? And a better question is, why do you allow these negative feelings to stop you from taking that first step? I use the analogy of that first step being like jumping out of an airplane. Once you step out theres no going back, its done you re on your way. Now obviously if we take a step towards something we usually can go back, but the same courage that it takes to jump out of that airplane, is the same courage needed for that initial step.

"Climb that first stair before you worry about the other ones, if you don't climb the first one, the journey will never begin."

If you want something you have to go after it, and you have to go after it with everything you have. You can't be afraid to fail, you cant be afraid of the consequences, you have to take that first step and be willing to go wherever the journey takes you. If its not meant to be, then go to another staircase and start another journey somewhere else. Sounds simple right? Well it is! It's as simple as changing your mindset, and that starts with a thought. It starts with you thinking, "I know I can do this", If I need to get my resume in before a certain deadline, then I ll get up and do it weeks before", If I need to stop smoking to live a healthier lifestyle then  yesterday was the last day of me smoking!"

You can't enjoy the rewards of the journey if you never start it. Micheal Jordan (whose arguably the greatest basketball player to ever played the game) once said "I rather go 0 for 20 (which meant not make a shot during a game) than go 0 for 0." (which is not shooting at all) Because at least he attempted to score when he went 0 for 20, he took that step, he didn't play it safe, he put himself out there and at the end of the day he could live with that.

They're many staircases that we will face in our lives, some might lead us to great things, and some might not, but to find out which one is which you're going to have to take that first step.

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