Saturday, July 31, 2010


There's a great reason why I chose this to be my first blog topic. The question I always ask myself is, what would everyones life be like if we weren't afraid? If we weren't afraid to take chances? If we didn't listen to the voices in our heads that say that something is too hard? Or that we are not good enough? I think taking chances is what has made our country what it is today. Thank God the Wright brothers decided that there was no such thing as impossible; I would of had to walk to Vegas last week and I'm not sure that would of worked out so well.

Today, write down something that you've been afraid to do, whether its leaving a dead end job or telling someone something that's been on your mind. Then ask yourself why? Why can't you do this? And before all the negative thoughts in your head start to answer that question, check off the task, and do it. Start small and work your way up. Check the task off the list, throw out the piece of paper and start another one.


  1. I have been afraid to let go and forgive those who have hurt me.

  2. thats normal alex, you have to keep your shield up sometimes, but closure isnt forgetting what happened or letting those people back into your life, its moving on and letting go!!! and i believe thats necessary for growth my brother
